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Electrosalon 2010 - Budapest

ELECTROSALON is organised again in the framework of the INDUSTRY DAYS 2010 group of events comprising 5 trade exhibitions of international renown (INDUSTRIA, ELECTROSALON, CHEMEXPO, ÖKOTECH, SECUREX) enabling the exploitation of synergies among industries, representing a broader range of economic fields.
New features of the fair in 2010: - The ÖKOTECH environmental exhibition is organised alongside the INDUSTRY DAYS.
Visit the scene of electronics, electrical technology and automation!
Location: HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center , Albertirsai út 10, 1101 Budapest, Hungary
Pavilion A, B, D, F, G Open area
Both: Pavilion A - Stand Nr 308D
Opening hours:
Tuesday 4 May 10.00 - 17.00 hours
Wednesday 5 May 10.00 - 17.00 hours
Thursday 6 May 10.00 - 17.00 hours
Friday 7 May 10.00 - 16.00 hours Back |