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The International Fair of Technique and Technical Achievements is the most important economic and technological event in Serbia and the South East Europe, which has got a great influence upon the future industrial development in the country and region. This is a traditional (since 1937) meeting and business contact point, which enables numerous exhibitors and visitors to satisfy their business expectations.
- Specialized fairs and exhibitions forming the contents of the TECHNICAL FAIR, at the same place and time.
- The latest technologies for all industry branches included by the exhibiting program.
- Presentation of national economies of many countries, provinces and regions, professional side events, exhibitor presentations, product and service demonstrations, panel discussions of the exhibitors and experts contribute to a successful participation in the TECHNICAL FAIR and development of the international cooperation.
- Many press conferences and accredited journalists are there to report about your products and services.

Thus, the TECHNICAL FAIR is a venue visited by tens of thousands of professional visitors, decision makers, investors, experts… The synergistic effect of the TECHNICAL FAIR creates the possibility of meetings between the exhibitors and visitors, as well as mutual contacts of the exhibitors from various industry branches and many countries.
Location: BELGRADE FAIR, Bulevar vojvode Misica 14, 11000, Serbia
Both: Hall x - Stand Nr xxx
Opening hours:
Wednesday 9th May 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Thursday 10th May 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Friday 11th May 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Saturday 12th May 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Sunday 13th May 10.00 - 18.00 hours
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The international fair for construction technologies, installation, equipment and materials
CONSTRUCT EXPO became, during its 17 years of existence, the platform for presenting efficiently solutions for the construction field in Romania. The main reason for organising CONSTRUCT EXPO is that Romania represents one of the most important market in European Union, for urbanistic and infrastructure development and, as a result, the demand for the latest construction equipment, technologies and materials is constantly growing. CONSTRUCT EXPO is addressed to all companies that activate within the construction field and also to the visitors which are interested in consultancy and aquisition of systems and materials, installation and equipment, tools and technologies for construction.
The group of products at this fair are:
- Construction products and systems,
- Electrical and sanitary installation, heating and air-conditioning,
- Outer, urbanistic development,
- Industrial machinery and site equipment
- Consultancy, design
- Entrepreneurship and execution

Location: Bucharest International Technical Fair, xy, 000 00 Buchurest, Romania
Both: Hall x - Stand Nr xxx
Opening hours:
Wednesday 13rd April 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Thursday 14th April 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Friday 15th April 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Saturday 16th April 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Sunday 17th April 10.00 - 17.00 hours
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