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FORARCH 2010 - Praha

The biggest international building trade fair in the Czech Republic with participation of foreign exhibitors. Building trade fair with the longest tradition in the Czech Republic. Profile of all building sections (financing and implementation of constructions, building crafts and technologies, building materials and products, building machinery, building constructions, construction equipment and other). Representation of investors, developers, producers, contractors, craftsmen and others from building industry sections. Practical shows of building crafts. Professional accompanying programme – conferences, seminars, workshops. Extensive media coverage both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Professional nationwide competitions.
Statistics of the Trade Fair 2009:
Number of Exhibitors: 943 (incl.: For Invest: 48, For Elektro: 73, For Wood: 24) Number of Countries: 13 Total Exhibition Area Sold (in sq.m): 21 650 (incl.: For Invest: 806, For Elektro: 1382, For Wood: 664) Number of Visitors: 80 702

Location: Ehibition Centre Prague - Letňany, Beranových 667, 199 00 Praha 9 - Letňany, Czech Republik
Both: Pavilion 1 - Stand Nr C6
Opening hours:
Tuesday 21 September 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Wednesday 22 September 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Thursday 23 September 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Friday 24 September 10.00 - 18.00 hours
Saturday 25 September 10.00 - 16.00 hours Back |